Not to be confused with the Lesser Spotted Knickerbocker Glory this Neapolitan-tailed hybrid was captured on canvas in 1868 when Charles first saw the creature dining on what could only be described as coloured ice which it dug out of the frozen environment around Popsicle Bay, Iceland.

The painting toured the Empire as part of the great Impossisaurus Britannicus Exhibition in 1901. During its time in America it was seen by a young boy called Frank Epperson of San Francisco.

It's made such an impact that in 1905, when Frank was 11 years old, he tried to recreate the cold water sticks by leaving a glass of soda powder and water outside on his back porch with a wooden mixing stick in it. That night the temperature dropped below freezing. When Epperson returned to the drink the next morning he found that the soda water had frozen inside the glass and that by running it on the hot water he was able to remove and eat the frozen soda water chunk using the stick as a handle!

The ice lollipop was introduced to the public for the first time at an Oakland ball for firemen in 1922. In 1923 Epperstone applied for a patent for 'frozen ice on stick' called the Epsicle ice-lollipop which he renamed the Popsicle after the famous bay where Charles Burroughs had first seen the creature.

A couple of years later Epperson sold the rights to the brand-name Popsicle to the Joe Lowe company in New York City and the rest, as they say, is history!