Just to keep you up to date the TOP 3 for last month are:
1.Alexander Millar
2.Bob Dylan
3.Peter Smith
Congratulations to Alex, as included in these stats is the sale of a fantastic original!! Numbers were very close but it will be interesting to see how that changes this month!
So, it's October already and appropriately enough we have a stunning new original entitled 'Tangled (October)' to show you!
Lawrie Williamson is the artist and we have a really good feeling about this guy! This piece is very impressive and if you have chance you really should come in for a look! We have a couple of prints in the same style too!
Now that it is October we are only 10 days away from Peter Smiths exclusive appearance! His new images are really causing a stir and the advance interest has really been something!
We have even sold TWO originals in the space of a week so you can tell that he is just RED HOT just now!
Do remember that this appearance is not part of a tour and is especially for us! You all made him feel so very welcome last year that he is genuinely looking forward to coming back :-)
See you on the 10th between 12-3pm...
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